How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel? Best 2 Methods

If you are a proud owner of a Vivint smart home system, you might have noticed that your panel has a green light that never seems to go away. This light can be quite annoying, especially at night when you are trying to sleep or watch a movie.

Vivint panel green light
How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel? Best 2 Methods 4

You might wonder what this light means and how to turn it off. Well, you are not alone. Many Vivint users have the same problem and are looking for a solution. so here I will tell you How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel

you can definitely turn off the green light on the Viving panel by just doing some tweaks. there are some settings that I have given here that can help you to turn off the green light on the Vivint panel

In this article, we will explain what the green light on your Vivint panel is, why it is there, and how to turn it off in minutes. We will also give you some tips on how to adjust the brightness of your Vivit panel and how to deal with other common issues that might affect your Vivint system. By the end of this article, you will be able to enjoy your Vivint smart home without being bothered by the green light.

Vivint panel green light
How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel

What is the Green Light on Your Vivint Panel?

The green light on your Vivint panel is an indicator of the status of your system. It shows whether your panel is connected to the internet, whether it has power, and whether it has any alerts or notifications.

before answering the question of How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel we will see green light can have different meanings and behaviors. Here are some examples:

  • Solid green: This means that your panel is connected to the internet and has power. This is the normal state of your panel when everything is working fine.
  • Blinking green: This means that your panel is trying to connect to the internet or is updating its software. This can happen when you first install your panel when you change your router settings, or when there is a new update available for your panel.
  • Flashing green: This means that your panel has an alert or a notification that requires your attention. This can happen when there is a low battery, a sensor malfunction, a tamper alert, or an alarm event.
  • No green light: This means that your panel is not connected to the internet or has no power. This can happen when there is a power outage, a network outage, or a damaged cable.

Why is the Green Light on Your Vivint Panel Annoying?

You might think that having a green light on your Vivint panel is helpful because it tells you what is going on with your system. However, many users find this light annoying don’t we are not far from answering you question about How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel

for several reasons:

  • It is too bright: The green light on your Vivint panel can be very bright, especially at night when the rest of the room is dark. This can make it hard to fall asleep or relax because the light can be distracting or irritating to your eyes.
  • It is too constant: The green light on your Vivint panel can be very constant, especially when everything is working fine. This can make it boring or redundant because the light does not change or provide any useful information.
  • It is too vague: The green light on your Vivint panel can be very vague, especially when there is an issue with your system. This can make it confusing or frustrating because the light does not tell you what the problem is or how to fix it.

How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel in Minutes

If you are fed up with the green light on your Vivint panel and want to turn it off, there are two ways to do it:

  • Method 1: Change the settings on your panel
  • Method 2: Cover the light with tape

Method 1: Change the settings on your panel

The first method to turn off the green light on your Vivint panel is to change the settings on your panel. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of your panel’s screen. This will open the settings menu.
  2. Enter your 4-digit user code to unlock the settings menu.
  3. Tap on Display in the settings menu. This will open the display settings.
  4. Adjust the sliders under Brightness and Timeout to suit your preferences. You can make the screen dimmer or brighter, and you can make it turn off sooner or later after being idle.
  5. Tap on Save in the top right corner of the screen to save your changes.

By changing these settings, you can reduce the brightness of your panel’s screen and make it turn off faster when not in use. This will also affect the brightness and behavior of the green light on your panel. However, this method will not completely turn off the green light on your panel. It will only make it less noticeable or less annoying.

Method 2: Cover the light with tape

The second method to turn off the green light on your Vivint panel is to cover the light with tape. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Find a piece of tape that matches the color of your panel or your wall. You can use any kind of tape, such as masking tape, duct tape, or electrical tape.
  2. Cut a small piece of tape that is big enough to cover the green light on your panel. You can use scissors or a knife to do this.
  3. Stick the piece of tape over the green light on your panel. Make sure it is aligned and smooth, and that it does not cover any other parts of your panel.

By covering the green light on your Vivint panel with tape, you can completely block it from your sight. This will make it seem like the light is turned off, and you will not be able to see it at all. However, this method has some drawbacks:

  • It is not permanent: The tape can peel off or fall off over time, and you will have to replace it or reapply it.
  • It is not elegant: The tape can look ugly or unprofessional on your panel, and it can ruin the aesthetic of your smart home.
  • It is not informative: The tape can prevent you from seeing the status of your system, and you might miss important alerts or notifications.

Tips on How to Deal with Other Common Issues with Your Vivint Panel

Turning off the green light on your Vivint panel is not the only issue that you might encounter with your system. There are other common issues that might affect your Vivint panel and how it works. Here are some tips on how to deal with them:

  • How to clear the low battery alert on your Vivint panel: If you see a low battery alert on your Vivint panel, it means that one of your sensors or devices has a low battery and needs to be replaced. To clear the alert, you need to replace the battery of the affected device and then acknowledge the alert on your panel. To do this, tap on the alert notification on the left side of your panel’s screen and read the full message. Then tap on OK to clear the alert. You can also contact Vivint customer support for assistance.
  • How to fix the offline issue with your Vivint panel: If you see an offline message on your Vivint panel, it means that your panel is not connected to the internet or has no power. This can affect the functionality and security of your system. To fix this issue, you need to check the power source and the network connection of your panel and make sure they are working properly. You can also try rebooting your panel by holding down the power button for 10 seconds and then releasing it. If none of these steps work, you can contact Vivint customer support for help.
  • How to play back videos from your Vivint cameras: If you have Vivint cameras installed in your smart home, you can watch live or recorded videos from them on your panel or on your smartphone app. To do this, you need to have a Vivint Smart Drive device connected to your system and a subscription plan that includes video storage.

To play back videos from your cameras on your panel:

  1. Tap on the camera icon in the lower right corner of your panel’s screen.
  2. Select the camera you want to watch.
  3. Tap on Playback in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Choose a date and time range to view the recorded videos.

To play back videos from your cameras on your smartphone app:

  1. Open the Vivint app and tap on Cameras in the bottom menu bar.
  2. Select the camera you want to watch.
  3. Tap on View Playback in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Choose a date and time range to view the recorded videos.


The green light on your Vivint panel is an indicator of the status of your system, but it can also be annoying for many users. If you want to turn off this light, you can either change the settings on your panel or cover it with tape. However, I have answered your question about How To Turn off Green Light on Vivint Panel but these methods have their pros and cons, and you should consider them carefully before applying them.

You should also be aware of other common issues that might affect your Vivint panel and how to deal with them. If you have any questions or problems with your system, you can always contact Vivint customer support for help.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to turn off the green light on your Vivint panel in minutes. If you found this article useful, please share it with others who might benefit from it

Can I turn off the green light on my Vivint panel completely?

No, you can’t turn off the green light on your Vivint panel completely. It’s an indicator of the status of your system, and it’s important to be able to see it in case there’s an issue. However, you can make it less noticeable or less annoying by changing the settings on your panel or covering it with tape.

What does it mean when the green light on my Vivint panel is blinking or flashing?

A blinking or flashing green light on your Vivint panel means that there’s something going on with your system. It could be that your panel is trying to connect to the internet, is updating its software, or has an alert or notification that requires your attention. You can check the message on your panel’s screen or contact Vivint customer support for more information.

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